GSoC Weekly Report 11

( From Monday 28th July 2014 to Sunday, 3rd August 2014)

This week I could develop two new experiments and worked on python code of the experiments developed so far.

Things we did this week….

  • Completed the set-up of sound resonance experiment.
  • Set-up experiment for studying Oscillations of Coupled pendulum. Performed the experiment in three different ways …
    • Both oscillating in phase
    • Both oscillating out of phase
    • One at rest and other oscillating

    Here is the experimental set-up….


    The waveforms generated using DC motors after amplification…

    coupled pendula1 coupled pendula2 coupled pendula3

    The waveforms show beats as theoretically expected….

    The complete code is here…

  • Worked on another experiment for producing Chladni patterns using ExpEYES. For the experimental Set-up I used a CD as Chladni plate. SQR1 is connected to  a small inductor (a coil of wire with no magnetic core) and produces a sinusoidal magnetic field. This is then placed close to a small magnet attached to the plate, and so produces a sinusoidal force on the magnet. Two small magnets are placed on the edge of the plate. The inductor is placed so its centre is directly beneath the magnets and as close as possible to the plate without touching it.
  • on Saturday we could complete the set-up for resonance of cantilever beam  experiment. We used a plastic stick and bicycle wheel spoke as a cantilever beam. A plastic disposable cup is attached at the center of a loudspeaker using  adhesive ( which can be removed easily). Then the cantilever beams are fixed on the top of  the cup using cello tape. The speaker is connected to SQR1 and the frequency is gradually changed. when the frequency matches with the natural frequency of the beam it starts vibrating with large amplitude.

    The variation of resonance frequency with length can be investigated by cutting sections off the end of the plastic stick.

    This is the setup we used….


    TO DO next week….

  • Work on common GUI for accessing all the experiments.
  • Continue working on documentation and code for all the experiments.