Sensor Plug-ins, Add-on devices and GUI Improvements for ExpEYES: Project Update
Things done so far….
Accelerometer/Acceleration sensor:
- GUI in python for interfacing ADXL 335 analog acceleration sensor module with ExpEYES. ADXL 335-GY-61 is a small, thin, low power, complete three-axis accelerometer voltage output through the
signal conditioning at a minimum of full scale ± 3 g measurement range acceleration. It can measure the acceleration of gravity, and movement, shock or vibration due to dynamic acceleration.Started creating documents for experimental setups and procedures for mechanics experiments and a few sound experiments.
- Wrote python code and conducted trials to obtain Lissajous Figures using accelerometer ADXL 335. This module is useful for pendulum and other mechanics experiments.
- Carried out several tests with Humidity Sensors HS1101, DHT 11 and HS220. DHT11 is a digital sensor and found to give better accuracy. It also measures temperature.
- Working on DHT11 and DHT22 as they are most suitable for portable weather-station. GUI in python is almost ready.
Temperature Measurements:
- Tested LM35 temperature sensor, whose output voltage is linearly proportional to the Celsius (Centigrade) temperature. LM35 does not require any external calibration or trimming to provide typical accuracies of ±1⁄4̊ C at room temperature and ±3⁄4̊C over a full −55 to +150 ̊C temperature range.
- GUI to interface LM35 with ExpEYES and measure temperature in Celsius is ready.
- Another temperature sensor PT100 tested. It offers excellent accuracy over a wide temperature range (from –200 to +850 °C). Wrote GUI program for using PT100.
- Tested BMP180 Digital Barometric Pressure Sensor Board Module :This precision sensor from Bosch is t
he best low-cost sensing solution for measuring barometric pressure and temperature. ( Need to re-write the program to read data accurately)
Magnetic Field Sensor:
- Working on 3144 Magnetic Hall Effect Sensor. ( Not able to fetch data, but this will be useful for our home-made wind speed device)
Modifications in Existing GUI’s:
- GUI for using Motion sensor SRF-05, (ultrasonic position sensor) is modified for plotting real-time position.
- Made necessary changes in GUI for Lissajous Figures using ATTINY85.
Immediate Goals:
- Assembling all components of Weather Station. Almost all tools are ready except wind direction tool.
- Completing Single GUI for fetching Data for temperature, Humidity, Pressure, wind Velocity and Direction.
- Complete documentation for Sensor Plug-ins and Weather-station with images/videos
- Using DHT11/22 for measurement of both temperature and relative humidity. Facing difficulties in reading the output of DHT11. I could do it with aurdino but need to do it with ExpEYES.
- Auto tweet weather data fetched from sensors.