GSoC-2015 with FOSSASIA : List of sensor plug-ins developed for ExpEYES

Sensor Plug-ins for ExpEYES, Developed as a part of GSoC-2015 Project


1. Accelerometer

Sensor Used:     ADXL-335- Three axis sensor

2. Magnetic Field Sensor

Sensor Used:    KY 003, 3144 Hall Effect Sensor

3. Infra-red Object Sensor

Sensor Used:    Locally Made using IC LM-358N

4. Ultrasonic Position Sensor

Sensor Used:    SRF-05 HY, SRF-04

5. Temperature Sensor

Sensor Used:    PT-100 and LM-35

6. Humidity Sensor

Sensor Used:    DHT-11, HS-1101

7. Pressure- Barometric

Sensor Used:    BMP180 Digital sensor

8. Pressure

Sensor Used:    Pizzo Electric sensor

9. Gas Sensors

Sensor Used:    MQ-4 for Methane

MQ-6 for LPG
MQ-7 for Carbon Monoxide

10. Colour Sensor ( in progress)

Sensor Used:    IC-TCS3200D-SOP8

11. Anemometer- Wind Speed

Sensor Used:    Home-made apparatus with Hall effect sensor

12. Wind Direction

Sensor Used:    Home-made

13. Rotatory Motion Sensor

Sensor Used:    DC Motor and a pick-up coil

14. Motion Sensor-Photo Gate

Sensor Used:    Photo Gate using Photo Diode

15. Other devices used

Solar Cells
Induction coil
condensor mic
ATTINY-85 MCU used for sine wave generation
Raspberry Pi 2 Model B for stand-alone weather station

Code is here :